Wednesday, February 27, 2013


Or more accurately, fasting. I decided to do one a few weeks ago. Not just because of Lent, but because I wanted to do some heavy praying for some stuff and Lent was just around the corner... so why not do it at the same time?

You likely think this is going to be about how it brought me closer to God... and that blog is coming.... This is about how hard doing it is.

I am off of bread.

Which I thought would be hard... just not THIS hard. Never did I realize how much bread I eat! I usually have at least two or three servings a day (depending on what my meals are). Cut that out totally and my body just keeps asking "Now what?"

I'm not complaining. I really am surprised how hard it is!
The point of a fast is to do without something that you need/enjoy so that you can depend on God and put more time to prayer. Well, It's working.

So far things are really good, however bacon, eggs and muffin just isn't quite the same...


  1. haha I went off bread last year, and it was very Hard :/ but, I got through...and now this year I'm off of wheat. Does that make you feel a bit better? LOL Good luck!

    ~ Emma-lee

  2. Might I suggest:
    A LOT of cereal at breakfast
    Is pita OK?
    Try sourdough biscuits (if you can)
    I'm out of ideas.
