Friday, October 4, 2013


I really didn't want to get one. Yes, I'm a geek. Yes, I love shiny new stuff. Yes, I have a million and one things I could do with one.
Even with all that, I was still apprehensive.

Touch screen texting? Eww. Being able to access the internet everywhere? Great.... Facebook in my pocket? No thanks!

Then, I realized I have self control.

So I got the phone.

I love it.

If you've been holding off on a smartphone due to the whole "touch screen texting" thing, it's not actually that bad.

At least on an android. Google's keyboard is really something else. Even if I miss a key, it usually guesses what I wanted. Sometimes it guesses wrong, but never with really awkward results... well... except that one time...

Also, the great thing was, it didn't come with Facebook! So I had to consciously add it, and have to consciously open it too!

I never thought I'd say it - Lovin' the smartphone!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like Smartphones have great features. I even can find script writing software for them! That's tempting, being able to write scripts in digital files anywhere without lugging a computer! But touch screens...yuck. I love the feel of my writing instruments. I need depth, texture. Flat (and increasingly greasy-finger-print laden) screens. I think I'll pass. Maybe I'll just actually start writing by hand again...with paper and a pen.*Gasp* remember those?
